The Daily Nugget
eVERY dAY A New Web Treasure
Purchase Buried Treasures of the Web
The book In Defense of Food was instrumental in my move toward losing weight and living a healthy lifestyle. The cover of the book states: Eat food, not too much, mostly plants. Those seven words have been repeated over and over again by diet and health experts. The reason: Those simple instructions pretty much instructs you how to live the elusive healthy lifestyle. PBS will be airing a new documentary based on the book. Set your DVR to record it on December 30, 2015. In my book Buried Treasures of the Web, I include many experts. Among the experts are some in the diet, health, & medical field. Oh yeah, I've also written a diet & health book. In Feed Your Head, I simplify the concept down to two words: Satiety & Taste! Comments are closed.
About the AuthorJohn Glenn explored outerspace & I explore cyberspace.
Dr. Ruth doles out the best advice about sex and I report on the incredible Internet!
Jack Welch opines on the best business practices and I suggest the best of the Net.
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July 2016