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eVERY dAY A New Web Treasure
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I firmly believe that everyone has a story to tell. Unfortunately, most people never tell it. As I was looking for gems, I came across Elli's site: Leave a Story. Elli is a graphic artist from Sweden. The concept of her site: You write a short story and she designs the cover graphics. Mine is below.
Elli does this for free. It's her way of practicing graphic design. I wrote my story and 40-days later, she came up with this ... Check out her site and graphics. They're pretty cool. Thanks Elli ... I love the graphic! I'm a big fan of Robert Krulwich - a great storyteller. On NPR he has a show called Radiolab. This week's story is about the history of football. However, in Krulwich tradition, the story has a very unique angle. I always listen to podcasts on my phone, but since I cannot link to your phone, here's the site. Here's a wonderful presentation by Robert Krulwich. |
About the AuthorJohn Glenn explored outerspace & I explore cyberspace.
Dr. Ruth doles out the best advice about sex and I report on the incredible Internet!
Jack Welch opines on the best business practices and I suggest the best of the Net.
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July 2016