The Daily Nugget
eVERY dAY A New Web Treasure
Purchase Buried Treasures of the Web
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For more Internet gems, check out Buried Treasures of the Web. Yep, people still read their email and ... I have discovered ... soon after they receive it. Be sure to check out page seven in Buried Treasures of the Web to learn more.
OH ... I've dug up a better email tracking product. Be sure to sign up for our free newsletter to enjoy new treasures. ... I downloaded and listened to this amazing live John Mayer concert (great Summertime music) ... Be sure to check out page 129 in Buried Treasures of the Web to learn more.
Yesterday, I took the day off and went boating with my best friend, but I was being watched by Google. It tracks my every move and yours too! Be sure to check out page two in Buried Treasures of the Web to learn more.
This guru's website is one of the thousands that is in Buried Treasures of the Web. For more treasures, go here. |
About the AuthorJohn Glenn explored outerspace & I explore cyberspace.
Dr. Ruth doles out the best advice about sex and I report on the incredible Internet!
Jack Welch opines on the best business practices and I suggest the best of the Net.
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July 2016