The Daily Nugget
eVERY dAY A New Web Treasure
Purchase Buried Treasures of the Web
Taylor Swift's YouTube site provides free music to all. From Ms. Swift's YouTube site, here's my playlist on my cellphone.
For even more Internet gems, check out Buried Treasures of the Web. Hold on tight as he also discusses the future of cell phones. He discusses what we can expect cell phones to be like in the future ... it's fascinating. For even more Internet gems, check out Buried Treasures of the Web. Buried Treasures of the Web has many documentary movie sites in it. Here are two fascinating documentaries ... Snake Island (near Brazil) and Monkey Island (near Liberia). For even more Internet gems, check out Buried Treasures of the Web. As a former CPA, what could possibly be interesting about bookkeeping or being a bookkeeper? How 'bout this?
Yes, this really is a selfie. And, believe it or not, there's a copyright story about it.
For even more Internet gems, check out Buried Treasures of the Web. |
About the AuthorJohn Glenn explored outerspace & I explore cyberspace.
Dr. Ruth doles out the best advice about sex and I report on the incredible Internet!
Jack Welch opines on the best business practices and I suggest the best of the Net.
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July 2016