The Daily Nugget
eVERY dAY A New Web Treasure
Purchase Buried Treasures of the Web
... and they're owned by the same guy! I have many newspaper apps on my phone, hands-down the winner is The Washington Post (below is a snapshot from my phone). Of course, its articles are good and the user interface is superior to all other papers. Now for music: Everyone loves Spotify and Pandora. However, if you are an Amazon Prime user, the music is free. The interface is great. I have over 10,000 (free) songs in my library. If you are a Prime member, give it a try. You have nothing to lose. For more amazing apps, check out ... Every time I open a new tab in my browser, I get a magnificent piece of artwork as my background. Check out Google's Cultural Institute here.
For more amazing treasures, check out Buried Treasures of the Web. |
About the AuthorJohn Glenn explored outerspace & I explore cyberspace.
Dr. Ruth doles out the best advice about sex and I report on the incredible Internet!
![]() Jack Welch opines on the best business practices and I suggest the best of the Net.
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July 2016